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tracee ellis ross: the style goat

    tracee ellis ross is the goat when it comes to style. period. there’s almost nothing she can do wrong. it’s probably impossible for her to have a bad outfit and i think it comes naturally for her…

    skin care update

      i highly enjoy taking care of my skin. it is actually something i am kind of proud of. i drink my water, i eat my veggies, and i wash my face everyday, but these two new products i have integrated into my daily routine have miraculously transformed my face.

      the bloody truth

        periods. aunt flo. time of the month. crimson tide. checkin into the red roof in. moon time. cycle. shark week. or whatever you want to call it. ah, periods. don’t we love ‘em? periods are often shied away from being discussed or it’s seen as “taboo” to talk about. and god-forbid you talk about it in public or in front of a man *insert eye roll here*. well it’s natural and majority of women get it, but what if i told you that those few days out of the month for your period can be easy, breezy?

        Being A College Dropout

          If you don’t know, now ya know! Yes. I, Khaliyah, am a college dropout. Now, I view this term as very harsh but it is the reality when you kind of just stop going to class. Let me give you a small backstory on it…

          Issa Life Update For Ya

            Hi, it’s Khaliyah.

            And you know, I go through these phases where I am really good at working on my blog and keeping up with my social medias, but as of lately, life has been super crazy. Sooo, here I am to fill you in on the craziness that I call my life. 

            5 Things About Me

              I have literally been racking my head for content ideas. I have been banging my head against the wall, but nothing is coming to the forefront of my mind to write a blog post about. Maybe I’m not interesting or maybe I’m just not creative right now… whatever it is needs to leave because I feel like I am having the struggle of my life right now trying to come up with stuff for you guys. But I think in a sense it’s for myself, too.

              #LiEats: All About My Green

                Yes, the money and the food. I love green veggies and after making this salad I’m pretty sure you will enjoy getting your greens in just like I do. Other than salads you can definitely make smoothies as an alternative to salads, but I love making a really big, refreshing salad.

                5 things you need to start a minimal wardrobe

                  being someone with not very many clothing options right now (as i am traveling the world and now living in costa rica) i had no choice but to bust down to a minimalist wardrobe, but here are 5 must-haves to begin your minimal wardrobe.